Week 10 Summer Activities (8/24)

This is our last week of activities. Thanks for participating in our summer programs.

1. Rhyming Fun

Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn,
The sheep’s in the meadow, the cow’s in the corn.
Where is the boy who looks after the sheep?
He’s under the haycock fast asleep.
Will you wake him?
No, not I, for if I do, he’s sure to cry.

Gather foil, q-tips, and blue and white paint.  Have your child use the q-tips to paint on the foil.  Have them paint with blue and white to create different shades of blue on the foil.  This activity works on their fine motor skills as they hold the q-tip to paint.  It also introduces the concept of different shades of the same color.

 Put water in 3 containers.  Put food coloring in each container; each one with either red, yellow, or blue.  Gather several empty cups.  Have your child use a turkey baster or spoon to place a small amount of colored water in the empty cup.  Discuss with your child what happens to the colors when they put 2 different colors in the same cup.  This activity is great for introducing how some colors are made.  It is also great for introducing scientific observation skills.  Discussing what happens will help to reinforce color words in their language skills.

2. Family Fun

Family board game night/day.  Pick a board game you haven’t played in a while.  Read the directions together.  Have yummy snacks.  Have fun!! Did you know the library has board games you can borrow?  Go to our Library of Things page and check it out.  The Board Game Binder has the full list and descriptions of each game.  

3.  Arts and Crafts Fun

Give yourself a hand.  You will need paper, something you can draw with and something with color (paints, markers, crayons).  Trace your hand on a piece of paper.  Continue to trace your hand or other family members hands on that paper until it is full.  Make sure the hands overlap.  Once you are done with that color in the places where the silhouettes overlap.  This idea came from Art Workshops For Children by Herve Tullet.

4. Writing/Drawing Fun

 Imagine that you woke up one morning and EVERYTHING was suddenly your favorite color.  Not just all your clothes, but your parents, your breakfast, your house, your lawn, even the sky.  Write or draw what this world would be like.

Week 9 Summer Activities

1. Nursery Rhyme Fun

Farm Animals

Old Macdonald Had a Farm song


Hey Diddle, Diddle
Hey diddle, diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon;
The little dog laughed to see such fun,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Trace your child’s hands several times and cut them out.  Allow your child to decorate each of their hand prints to represent different animals.  Talking about characteristics of different animals may help them know how to make them.  Variation-If your child is able, have them cut out the hand prints.  This is great for fine motor skill development. This activity helps them to focus on what makes each animal different.  It also allows them to express themselves creatively.  Talking about different animals helps with language development. 

Print off small pictures of animals, so that they will fit on two Legos put together, and cut the pictures in half.  Glue or tape the pictures onto the Legos.  Mix up the Legos and allow your child to match the animal halves and put them together by putting the Lego pieces together. Variations- Use larger pictures and put them on multiple Legos so that there are more pieces to match.This activity is great for hand eye coordination as well as problem solving skills.  By talking about the animals and distinguishing characteristics, you are building their observation skills and language development.

2. Family Fun

Create a Family Time Capsule.   Click on this PDF to help inspire you.

3. Arts and Crafts

Create a 3-D paper sculpture.  Find a variety of paper and scrap paper and get creative.  Go to the University of Mississippi Museum Education Blog for instructions.

4. Writing/Drawing Fun

 Imagine the day through your pet’s eyes, or through the eyes of a wild animal.  What do they see, smell, eat, do?  What do they think of YOU?  Write or draw the story of their day.

Penn Brook Summer Reading Assignment

Looking for the summer reading assignment for Penn Brook Elementary?  Click here to see the assignments  

Students enter 4th – 6th are required to read a book from the last 10 years of the Massachusetts Children’s Book Awards lists. Click here for the complete list.

We have copies of the books in the library.  Request the title you need for curbside pick up or borrow an eBook on the Libby App.  

Week 8 Summer Activities (8/10)

1.  Nursery Rhyme Fun

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man,
Bake me a cake as fast as you can;
Pat it and prick it, and mark it with a “b” (or fill in your child’s initial)
And put it in the over for baby (or your child’s name) and me!

Draw a cookie jar.  Draw circles inside the jar and put numbers 1-10 on the circles.  Cut out 10 circles from brown paper.  Draw dots on each circle, 1-10 so that the number of dots on the cookie will match the number on the circle.  Have your child count the dots on each cookie and place it on the correct number in the cookie jar.Variations: Write out the number and have your child count the dots and read the correct number to match.  Write lowercase letters on the circles and uppercase letters on the cookie so that your child can match them.This activity is a fun way to reinforce number recognition and counting.  If you have the number written, or letters then your child can also work on their letter recognition and reading skills. (If you would like, you can visit https://www.totschooling.net/2015/12/cookies-number-matching-printable.html and print a copy of the above picture and matching cookies.)

2.  Family Fun

Wizard Charades Activity
This is a great game to play with other family members.
The child who is the “wizard” puts a “magic hat” (use any hat) on another child. The
child with the “magic hat” says:

“Wizard, wizard
Please do tell
What did I become
When you cast your spell?”

The “wizard” whispers the name of an animal (such as a toad, snake or cat) or object (such as a car, table or spoon) to that child, who has to act out that animal or object. Everyone else must guess what the object or animal is.

3.  Arts and Crafts Fun

Make your own magic wand.   Find a stick or use a chopstick as your base.  Wrap/decorate it with materials you have at home such as yarn, ribbon, paint, beads, clay, scraps of tissue paper or other paper.  Get creative.

4.  Writing and Drawing Fun

Paul Bunyan was part of the Unites States Folklore.  Fill out a fun Paul Bunyan Mad Lib

Week 7 Summer Activities (8/3)

1. Rhyming Fun

Down at the station, early in the morning,
See the little puffer-billed all in a row;
See the engine driver pull his little lever–
Puff puff, peep peep, off we go!

Cut out a train engine, wheels, and squares or rectangles for the train cars.  Write, or have your child write, the letters of their name on the individual train cars.  Give them a large piece of paper and have them glue the train engine, the train cars with their letters, and the wheels so that it becomes a train that spells their name.This activity is a fun and creative way for them to learn the individual letters of their name.  Be sure to point out each letter and have them sound out each letter as well as reading their whole name.

Using construction paper, make a train with one of each color car.  Have your child gather items from around the house and place them on the correct color “train car.”  Variation:  Tell your child which color to look for and bring items back for.  If you have more than one child doing the activity, make several trains and have the children see who can fill up their train first.This activity reinforces color recognition through real life objects.  This can also help your child recognize that there are different shades of colors.

2. Family Fun/STEM Fun

Building Challenge.   Build a tower for Rapunzel.  Use whatever materials you have at home (LEGO’s, blocks, boxes, paper, etc)  Work together or try to see who can build the tallest, most colorful, most creative, etc.  Then figure out how Rapunzel can escape from the tower.   

3.  Arts and Crafts

Watch a sunrise or sunset (or find pictures).  Draw, paint, or sculpt your own sunrise/sunset.

4.  Writing/ Drawing Fun

Happily Ever After Do you ever wonder about what happened after the “Happily Ever After”? Or what happened that made it so happy? Or maybe it wasn’t happy at all? Think of your favorite fairy tale that ends with “happily ever after” and write what happened after!