parent resources

For Parents

Parent/Teacher Shelf

The Children’s Room has books and materials focusing on many parenting and children’s issues and activities.

 Ellison Die-Cut

The Ellison Letter Machine is a versatile tool. It cuts anything scissors can cut in a fraction of the time, such as: construction paper, sponge, cardboard, fabric, wallpaper, and contact paper.

Patrons may use the Ellison Letter Machine in the Children’s Department during our regular hours. Call 978- 352-5728 to make an appointment.

There is no charge to use the Ellison Machine; however, you must provide your own materials to be cut.


Helpful Links

We’ve compiled a list of websites and resources for parents with varying topics and help.

General Parenting

Home Schooling Resources

Emergent Literacy

Exploring Books

Signing With Babies



Ready for Kindergarten

Typing Tutors

Media Reviews For Parents

Apps: Reviews and Discussions



Government and Legal Resources/Health and Human Services



Therapy Centers