For Parents
Parent/Teacher Shelf
The Children’s Room has books and materials focusing on many parenting and children’s issues and activities.
Ellison Die-Cut
The Ellison Letter Machine is a versatile tool. It cuts anything scissors can cut in a fraction of the time, such as: construction paper, sponge, cardboard, fabric, wallpaper, and contact paper.
Patrons may use the Ellison Letter Machine in the Children’s Department during our regular hours. Call 978- 352-5728 to make an appointment.
There is no charge to use the Ellison Machine; however, you must provide your own materials to be cut.
Helpful Links
We’ve compiled a list of websites and resources for parents with varying topics and help.
General Parenting
- U.S. Department of Education
- Parenting Site from the American Academy of Pediatrics
- Dr. Sears’ Website
- Zero to Three
- Hand in Hand
- Parent Toolkit
- PBS Parents
Home Schooling Resources
- Advocates for Home Schooling Education in Massachusetts, Inc.
- North Shore, MA Homeschool Groups
- Cathy Duffy’s Reviews: Reviews of home schooling materials
- Classical Conversations: Christian based home schooling
- Check out the area homeschool groups on Facebook to get lots of ideas and resources including “Haverhill Area Homeschoolers” and “New England Happy Homeschoolers”
Emergent Literacy
- Reach out and Read
- MA Early Learning Guidelines for Toddlers and Infants
- Read Aloud 15 Minutes a Day
Exploring Books
Ready for Kindergarten
Typing Tutors
- Typing Club
- Typing Jungle (part of typing club)
- Dance Mat Typing
Media Reviews For Parents
Apps: Reviews and Discussions
- Federation for Children with Special Needs
- Massachusetts Advocates for Children
- Special Needs Advocacy Network
Government and Legal Resources/Health and Human Services
- Special Education on the Department of Education
- Special Education Laws
- Massachusetts Civil Rights
- Wrights Law
- The Arc of Massachusetts
- The Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership
- Autism Alliance of Metrowest, Inc.
- Autism Society of America
- Autism Speaks
- Northeast Arc’s Autism Support Center
- The Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism, Inc.
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (Massachusetts)
- SPED Child and Teen