Virtual Program: Discover the Joys of Birdfeeding

Looking for a way to brighten your yard and mood this winter? Backyard bird feeding is a wonderful way to attract birds to your property, still feel connected to nature while inside, and get to know the characteristics and behaviors of common birds. Explore different feeder types, the best seed to put in them, the birds they’ll attract, how to outsmart squirrels, and other ways to encourage birdlife into your yard and community on Wednesday, March 30 at 11AM via Zoom.

Scott Santino, Education Manager and Teacher Naturalist at the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary in Topsfield, has been leading nature education programs for Mass Audubon since 1999. He coordinates the sanctuary’s volunteer Nature Guide program, training adults in natural history interpretation and is a faculty member of Mass Audubon’s Birder’s Certificate Program.

Register on Zoom HERE. This virtual program is a collaboration between the libraries of Georgetown and Tewksbury. Sponsored by the Friends of the Tewksbury Public Library.