Baby and Toddler Storytime

Meeting Room

Ages birth to 2 1/2 years Program will include two to three books, songs, finger-plays, and circle games. Siblings are welcome.  Families are welcome to stay and play afterwards.

Teen Hangout

Teen Area Tables

Come by the library to hang out after school! Teen Librarian Savannah will provide snacks and a small craft, but feel free to bring anything you've been working on lately […]

Graphic Novel Book Club

Meeting Room

Do you like to read graphic novels?  Students in 4 - 6th grade are invited to join a book group.   Snacks will be provided.  The book will be announced soon. […]

Teen Hangout

Teen Area Tables

Come by the library to hang out after school! Teen Librarian Savannah will provide snacks and a small craft, but feel free to bring anything you've been working on lately […]

Family Story Time

Meeting Room

All ages. Three to four books will be read. Children and parents will also participate in songs, finger-plays, and a simple craft. No snacks during this program.

Baby and Toddler Storytime

Meeting Room

Ages birth to 2 1/2 years Program will include two to three books, songs, finger-plays, and circle games. Siblings are welcome.  Families are welcome to stay and play afterwards.

Goats Library Tour – Meet the Goats!

Library Lawn

Join Goats to Go for a visit with the goats at the library. Come pet some goats and ask some questions! This event will take place outdoors on the library […]

Teen Hangout

Teen Area Tables

Come by the library to hang out after school! Teen Librarian Savannah will provide snacks and a small craft, but feel free to bring anything you've been working on lately […]

Play Group

Meeting Room

Families are invited to the library to play and explore with toys and everyday materials. All ages are welcome, keep in mind there may be some small parts.

Teen Hangout

Teen Area Tables

Come by the library to hang out after school! Teen Librarian Savannah will provide snacks and a small craft, but feel free to bring anything you've been working on lately […]

VIRTUAL: Coexisting with Coyotes in Suburban Communities


Join this webinar to learn about eastern coyote biology, how coyotes use suburban areas, and how communities can take effective steps to coexist with coyotes. Register directly on Zoom HERE. This virtual […]

Family Story Time

Meeting Room

All ages. Three to four books will be read. Children and parents will also participate in songs, finger-plays, and a simple craft. No snacks during this program.

Georgetown Moms Group — Coffee with Candidates

Meeting Room

Meet the candidates running for School Committee and Select Board! Georgetown Moms Group would like to invite all the candidates running for School Committee and Select Board to come for […]

Evening Book Group

Meeting Room

Please join us as we discuss The Huntress by Kate Quinn. New members are always welcome! Copies of the book can be picked up at the Circulation Desk.

Baby and Toddler Storytime

Meeting Room

Ages birth to 2 1/2 years Program will include two to three books, songs, finger-plays, and circle games. Siblings are welcome.  Families are welcome to stay and play afterwards.

Teen Hangout

Teen Area Tables

Come by the library to hang out after school! Teen Librarian Savannah will provide snacks and a small craft, but feel free to bring anything you've been working on lately […]