Traveling BackPack

Monday, August 15- Friday, August 19 the traveling backpack will be in the children’s room.  This backpack has been traveling across the state this summer and visiting other children’s rooms.  Inside the backpack are activities, pins, and other materials.  Check out what is inside.  Leave a note or picture and share what you have been reading.  This backpack will travel on to other libraries.

Going on a Bear Hunt

Bruce the Bear will be hiding in the library this summer from July 5 – August 12.  He will move every Monday to a new hiding place.  Come on in and hunt for Bruce.  Once you have found him, leave Bruce in his hiding place and come to the Children’s Room Desk to fill out a raffle ticket.  One ticket per week. 

Kick Off Summer with Henry the Juggle

Wednesday, June 29 at 6:30 PM on the library lawn.  Bring something to sit on and enjoy.

Henry the Juggler (alias Henry Lappen) is considered armed (and legged) and dangerous. He is known to cause spontaneous outbursts of laughter. He speaks little, but says a great deal through his expression and body language (and road signs!). He has in his possession BALLS, CLUBS, RINGS, TORCHES and other apparatus of his trade. He is capable of walking on a thin wire high above the ground. He is known to change his height through the use of stilts.


Henry involves innocent bystanders in his act.

This program was funded by the Georgetown Cultural Council