Mission Statement: The mission of the Georgetown Peabody Library is to be reflective and responsive to the recreational, informational, educational, and cultural needs of the residents and community of Georgetown, Massachusetts. As such it is a resource dedicated to fostering education and literacy, nurturing lifelong learning, encouraging personal growth and promoting cultural enrichment.
Book Drop: The book drop is always available for returns. Please take care when returning CDs and DVDs in the book drop. An elastic band around these items can help to prevent damage caused by opening cases. NOTE: Items left in the book drop during library hours may not be checked in until the following business day.
Borrowing Materials: Most circulating materials may be borrowed for three weeks. DVDs may be borrowed for one week.
Closings: In the event of inclement weather, the Board of Selectmen (with the Town Administrator) will decide if the Town is closing early. If the decision needs to take place any time outside of Town Hall hours then the Library Director and Library Board of Trustees decide. As a general guideline, if Town Hall is closed, the Library will be closed.
Fines: The library does not charges fines for any overdue materials. The library will inform you of any fines due to libraries that do charge overdue fines. The Georgetown Peabody Library can accept up to $20.00 in fine monies due to other libraries.
Limits: There are no limits as to how many materials you may borrow, although, in the case of school assignments, the library may temporarily restrict the number of items on a particular subject.
Library Cards: Any resident of Georgetown can apply for a library card. Please bring proof of residency (driver’s license, utility bill, lease, etc.) Children aged birth up to the 6th grade will need a parent or guardian’s signature to receive their library card.
The Library History: Early Years The Georgetown Peabody Library began September 19, 1866 by a generous gift from George Peabody. He established a fund for building a library and additional monies for the continuation of the library for the residents of Georgetown. By 1869, a library building was erected on Library Street where the commuter parking lot is now.
The Library History: Current Years In 1904, construction began on a new library building at Lincoln Park. Lincoln Park was deeded to the town by Milton J. Tenney and Lucy Tenney Brown in memory of their Father, George J. Tenney, Building Committee member for the first library on Library Street. The new Georgetown Peabody Library opened its doors to the public in 1909. In June 2006, construction began on the library addition and renovation. This was the first expansion since 1909 and was completed in September 2007.