New Arrivals
Find lists of our newest materials, including New York Times best seller lists, new audiobooks, new music etc., on the home page of our online catalog.
Check out our newest arrivals (books, DVDs, music, eMagazines, etc.) to the library through Wowbrary.
What is Wowbrary?
Wowbrary is a nonprofit service that provides you free weekly emails and RSS feeds about your local library’s most recent acquisitions.
How do I get the weekly emails?
Type your ZIP code in the upper left box and hit the Go button. Wowbrary shows the libraries nearest you, and you select one of them. You can also subscribe here
How do I get the RSS feeds?
Type your ZIP code in the upper left box and hit the Go button. Wowbrary shows the libraries nearest you that have Wowbrary RSS feeds. Press the RSS button next to the one you want.